
Corporate head office, Headquarters
CityFitness corporate office headquarters

Web :

Phone Number : 03 539 0348

Address :40 Vanguard Street, Nelson 7010, New Zealand

Email :

Twitter ID : @N/A

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CityFitness New Zealand Headquarters Info

You can find the CityFitness corporate office address and CityFitness New Zealand headquarters in 40 Vanguard Street, Nelson 7010, New Zealand. Most of the operations handled from this CityFitness corporate headquarter.

  • Address: CityFitness New Zealand headquarters is completely transparent when it comes to contact information and location of the CityFitness headquarters. You can address any letters to this corporate headquarters office to:

40 Vanguard Street, Nelson 7010, New Zealand

For any general inquiries, please contact CityFitness head office number: 03 539 0348

  • Phone Number: Call 03 539 0348 to reach someone at CityFitness New Zealand headquarters. As soon as you speak with a representative, you should have a fair solution to your problem that is relatively fast, you can contact during 24/7.
  • Email: As an alternative, you can email CityFitness at that may help spread the word about your problem. You can also contact someone close to the corporate office by emailing the Customer Support Help department.
  • Website: You can use their website and contact any department for general help. there is no dedicated website for CityFitness headquarters.

CityFitness New Zealand Headquarters Executive Team

CityFitness headquarters is run by an executive team. Below are some executive team members name of CityFitness corporate office New Zealand.

  • Mark Hughes: Chief Financial Officer
  • Stefan Stiller: Managing Director
  • Terry Hong: Coach Regional Head
  • Dean McConville: Regional Director, Operations
  • Jodie Preston: Regional Director, Operations at City fitness
  • Allyson Donnelly: Director, Programming

People also ask

Q: How do you get into CityFitness?

A: Memberships can be purchased online or at any CityFitness location during staffed hours (see my club hours). If you plan to sign up for a membership in club, please bring your bank account number with you to complete the Direct Debit form or alternatively, you can make a full 12-month payment via Debit or Credit Card.

Q: Do you have to book for CityFitness?

A: Bookings are strongly recommended, especially for those classes with limited space. To reserve a spot in class book though our CityFitness app. See How do I book a fitness class in the CityFitness app for instructions on how to make a booking.

Q: Who is the owner of CityFitness?

A: Cityfitness founder Dominic Rogerson might be out to conquer Auckland, but his heart remains at his first and favourite gym in Porirua.

Q: How do you pay at CityFitness?

A: Memberships can be purchased online or at any CityFitness location during staffed hours. If you plan to sign up for a membership in club, please bring your bank account number with you to complete the Direct Debit form or alternatively, you can make a full 12-month payment via Debit or Credit Card.

CityFitness New Zealand corporate office addresses

Corporate addresses
CityFitness (New Zealand)  40 Vanguard Street, Nelson 7010, New Zealand

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