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Peter Alexander New Zealand Headquarters Info
You can find the Peter Alexander corporate office address and Peter Alexander New Zealand headquarters in 38 Sir Woolf Fisher Drive, Highbrook, Auckland 2161, New Zealand. Most of the operations handled from this Peter Alexander corporate headquarter.
- Address: Peter Alexander New Zealand headquarters is completely transparent when it comes to contact information and location of the Peter Alexander headquarters. You can address any letters to this corporate headquarters office to:
38 Sir Woolf Fisher Drive, Highbrook, Auckland 2161, New Zealand
For any general inquiries, please contact Peter Alexander head office number: 0800 909 294
- Phone Number: Call 0800 909 294 to reach someone at Peter Alexander New Zealand headquarters. As soon as you speak with a representative, you should have a fair solution to your problem that is relatively fast, you can contact during 24/7.
- Email: As an alternative, you can email Peter Alexander at that may help spread the word about your problem. You can also contact someone close to the corporate office by emailing the Customer Support Help department.
- Website: You can use their website and contact any department for general help. there is no dedicated website for Peter Alexander headquarters.
Peter Alexander New Zealand Headquarters Executive Team
Peter Alexander headquarters is run by an executive team. Below are some executive team members name of Peter Alexander corporate office New Zealand.
- The Just Group: Owner
People also ask
Q: Who is Peter Alexander owned by?
A: The Just Group
The business was acquired by The Just Group from Peter Alexander, the founder and the head designer of the brand since 2000.
Q: Does Peter Alexander own Peter Alexander?
A: About Peter Alexander. This is a story of how the founder of Peter Alexander Sleepwear, Peter, grew the business from a single man operation to the internationally recognised brand name of his dreams. At age 24, Peter decided it was time to be his own boss.
Q: Who is Peter Alexander?
A: Peter Alexander celebrated 20 years of sleeping around. He started painting the world pink, opening his first international store in New Zealand. Inspired by his childhood, Peter collaborated with popular children’s characters such as Banana’s in Pyjamas to create one-of-a-kind sleepwear designs.
Q: Is Peter Alexander an Australian company?
A: Peter Alexander (born 1965) is an Australian fashion designer known for pyjamas, loungewear and giftware.
Peter Alexander New Zealand corporate office addresses
Corporate addresses | |
Peter Alexander (New Zealand) | 38 Sir Woolf Fisher Drive, Highbrook, Auckland 2161, New Zealand |
Resource Links
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